Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 51.63
Liaison Dwayne Doornbosch
Submission Date June 24, 2021

STARS v2.2

Langara College
IN-47: Innovation A

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 0.50 / 0.50 Dwayne Doornbosch
Director Facilities
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Name or title of the innovative policy, practice, program, or outcome:
Reconciliation and Indigenization at Langara

A brief description of the innovative policy, practice, program, or outcome that outlines how credit criteria are met and any positive measurable outcomes associated with the innovation:
While Colleges and Universities across Canada are increasingly seeking ways of better supporting reconciliation efforts with Indigenous peoples, Langara has been taking several leadership steps to 'walk the talk' through the implementation of several innovative and leading actions related to reconciliation over the past several years.

We wish to submit these efforts for consideration for an Innovation and Leadership credit as they directly relate to several areas of achievement outlined in STARS, including curriculum (specifically, sustainability courses, departments, and programs), public engagement (specifically, inter-campus collaboration), and diversity and affordability (specifically, support for under-represented groups).

While we are proud of our work in this area to date, we recognize that there is still a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done support reconciliation at Langara and abroad.

Programs, policies, and initiatives that demonstrate Langara's reconciliation and Indigenization efforts include:

1) Highlighting actions and priorities related to Indigenization in Langara's Presidents 2020/2021 objectives.

Langara's President and CEO is responsible to the College Board of Governors. For the 2020/2021 year, the Board has set a number of objectives, including to "support Indigenization of College in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)". That objective includes the following measurable outcomes:
- Launch and complete review of structure of Indigenous Education and Services
- Continue work on indigenization of curriculum
- Support Indigenous Upgrading Program (IUP) and other supports with Musqueam First Nation

2) Indigenization in Langara's Strategic Plan 2025

Langara's recently adopted Strategic Plan 2025 includes a dedicated section focused on Indigenization. In that section, the following strategic priorities are identified:
- 5.1 Informed by the recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, initiate and implement an Indigenization Strategy
- 5.2 Maintain and deepen our relations with Musqueum by developing a joint Musqueum/Langara Education Working Group to meet regularly and establish common goals; initiating a Joint Education Working Group; and implementation a structure for the working group, responsive the community's evolving needs
- 5.3 Develop and implement plans to recruit and retain Indigenous
students and employees, including reviewing Indigenous Education and Services structures to enhance Indigenous student support and recruitment; strengthening Indigenous recruitment and retention by offering more scholarships, bursaries, and supports for Indigenous students.

3) The SFU-Langara Indigenous Transfer Pathway Agreement, and the UBC-Langara Aboriginal Transfer Partnership.

Both these transfer partnerships support Indigenous students at Langara in preparation leading to bachelor degrees at either UBC (University of British Columbia) or SFU (Simon Fraser University). These are unique collaborative partnerships, and no other college in British Columbia has this type of partnership agreement to support Indigenous students in receiving bachelor degrees at UBC or SFU.
- The UBC-Langara Aboriginal Transfer Partnership (UBC-ATP) is a collaboration between the University of British Columbia and Langara College that offers First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students a clear pathway to bachelor degrees at UBC’s Vancouver Campus.
- The SFU-Langara Indigenous Transfer Pathway is a collaboration between SFU and Langara College that offers support for Indigenous students currently attending Langara through specified admission requirements and entrance awards leading to a bachelor degree at SFU.

4) Aboriginal Studies Program
The Aboriginal Studies Program is an integrated university-transferable program that addresses historic and contemporary Aboriginal issues in Canada. The Aboriginal Studies Program is unique and comprehensive, and welcomes all Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students.

The program strives to empower its students through education. The program encourages each student to reach their full potential through a unique, diverse and comprehensive approach to post-secondary education.

The curriculum content provides students with a thorough understanding of the historic and current circumstances of Aboriginal life in Canada and internationally and looks to the future at such issues as Aboriginal self-government and economic self-sufficiency. Equal emphasis is placed on developing analytical skills, critical thinking and communication skills, as well as laying a solid foundation for additional educational pursuits.

A unique and integral aspect of the Aboriginal Studies Program is the seminar component. Program students and faculty participate in the seminars equally. The purpose of these seminars is to expose the students to and stimulate discussion on topics that may or may not be covered in the classroom. The seminars also promote and foster a sense of community among students and faculty. This sense of community provides support for the student on many levels and provides an atmosphere for frank and open discussion.

5) Langara College's Aboriginal Education Policy
To increase the success rates of Aboriginal students and to increase the representation and retention of Aboriginal students, Langara College implemented the first formal Aboriginal Education Policy in British Columbia. The policy sets in motion an education and employment equity program which:
- Is committed to increasing the participation and success rate of Aboriginal Learners to the National Average (a provincial advisory committee reported (1989) that 3% of the Aboriginal Population pursues post-secondary education, compared with 15% of the general population);
- will ensure the involvement of Aboriginal representatives in any decisions affecting Aboriginal Education;
- will provide full opportunity and support for Aboriginal students to achieve their academic potential;
- recognizes the need to recruit and employ Aboriginal personnel in faculty, staff and administrative positions.

6) Reconciliation Carving Series
Langara's Aboriginal Studies Department, in partnership with the Fine Arts Department, offers a unique Aboriginal carving series that is open to all students.

Students complete two carving courses and an applied research course. Under the supervision of acclaimed Coast Salish artist Aaron Nelson-Moody, students will collaborate on the creation of two reconciliation house boards. Once complete, the house boards will become part of a planned outdoor Aboriginal space on Langara’s campus. Langara Film Arts students will document the carving process.

6) Langara's Musqueum Name
In 2016, a ceremony was held bestowing a Musqueam name on the College. The ceremony marked the first time a BC First Nation gave an Aboriginal name to a public post-secondary institution. The event reflects the strengthening relationship between Langara College and the Musqueam people, and an acknowledgement of the College’s location on Musqueam unceded traditional territory. The name given to Langara means house of teachings, and references the advice given to a child to build their character and to guide them in to adulthood.

A letter of affirmation from an individual with relevant expertise or a press release or publication featuring the innovation :

The website URL where information about the innovation is available :

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Langara President's Objectives: https://langara.ca/about-langara/office-of-the-president/objectives/index.html

Langara Strategic Plan (see Section 5 on Indigenization): https://issuu.com/langaracollege/docs/strategic_plan_2025

UBC-Langara Aboriginal Transfer Partnership: https://langara.ca/student-services/indigenous-services/transfer-programs/ubc-atp.html

SFU-Langara Indigenous Transfer Pathway Agreement: https://langara.ca/student-services/indigenous-services/transfer-programs/sfu-itp.html

Langara's Aboriginal Studies Program: https://langara.ca/programs-and-courses/programs/aboriginal-studies/index.html

Langara's Aboriginal Education Policy: https://langara.ca/programs-and-courses/programs/aboriginal-studies/index.html

Langara's Reconciliation Carving Program:https://langara.ca/programs-and-courses/programs/aboriginal-studies/reconciliation-carving-program.html

Langara's Musqueum naming ceremony: https://langara.ca/news-and-events/langara-news/2016/160111-musqueam-naming-ceremony.html

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.