Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 51.63
Liaison Dwayne Doornbosch
Submission Date June 24, 2021

STARS v2.2

Langara College
PRE-2: Points of Distinction

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete N/A Dwayne Doornbosch
Director Facilities
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Name of the institution’s featured sustainability program, initiative, or accomplishment:
Student Sustainability Ambassador Program

A brief description of the institution’s featured program, initiative, or accomplishment:
The Sustainability Student Ambassadors (SSA) Program is the primary driver of sustainability outreach and education activities at Langara College, and follows a model that we feel provides significant value to the College.

Each term, a group of students are selected to volunteer as Sustainability Ambassadors. These Ambassadors work directly with a coordinator, which is a student co-op position hired by the College. The coordinator is responsible to train and guide students to envision, manage, and execute green projects in and around the campus.

The SSA program provides leadership experience for Langara students interested in engaging the campus community in sustainable practices and creating contributions to social development and environmental protection. Ambassadors receive training and have the opportunity to envision, develop, and execute projects related to sustainability.

Recent projects led by the SSAs have included:
- Hosting webinars for Langara students and staff regarding climate change and sustainability topics
- Developing E-books on sustainability for students and staff
- Creating a sustainability club
- Hosting a career talk on sustainability with various companies engaged in sustainability services
- Creating outreach material to raise awareness about recycling, zero waste, Meatless Mondays, and other campus environmental initiatives
- Developing and running recycling games at Langara events, both virtual and in-person
- Participating in and developing initiatives related to the community garden
- Developing and executing a transparent bin project designed to test waste stream contamination rates
- Undertaking an AASHE STARS benchmarking process to see how Langara is measuring against other institutions and to help prepare for the College's submission (with a particular emphasis on the Campus Engagement credits)
- Leading a biodiversity keeper project to enhance the campus through establishing butterfly-friendly gardens
- Leading a field trip to Lynn Canyon to explore elements of social sustainability

The SSA Program works with multiple departments at Langara, and receives funds annually from KPMG to hire the coordinator. Langara's Facilities department provide other types of financial support, such as funds for prizes at Langara events. The SSA Program is also supported by Langara's Student Engagement Office which assists in promotion and collaboration. Lastly, Langara's Communications Office is also a key administrative supporter of the SSA, assisting in communications efforts.

We are proud of the achievements and outreach undertaken by the SSA Program to date, and recognize the important role that the Ambassadors play in promoting a culture of sustainability at Langara.

Which of the following impact areas does the featured program, initiative, or accomplishment most closely relate to?:
Campus Engagement

Website URL where more information about the accomplishment may be found:
STARS credit in which the featured program, initiative, or accomplishment is reported (if applicable):

A photograph or document associated with the featured program, initiative, or accomplishment:

Name of a second highlighted sustainability program/initiative/accomplishment:
Langara College Foundation Divestment Initiative

A brief description of the second program/initiative/accomplishment:
The Langara College Foundation holds the endowed funds for student awards and funds established by donors. At time of submission, this fund is in excess of $25M.  

In 2016 the Langara College Foundation board voted to start to move its holdings to fossil free and sustainable investment options, which led to approximately 11% of holdings shifting to sustainable investment options. At a February 2021 board meeting, the board voted to change our asset mix and expand our fossil free holdings to up to 50% with a view to look longer term to move the entire portfolio in this direction. The timeframe for this shift is within the next 2 years or as soon as possible.

This is a major move forward for the College, and one which we are proud of and wanted to highlight in our submission.

Which impact areas does the second program/initiative/accomplishment most closely relate to?:
Investment & Finance

Website URL where more information about the second program/initiative/accomplishment may be found:

STARS credit in which the second program/initiative/accomplishment is reported (if applicable):
PA 9-11

A photograph or document associated with the second program/initiative/accomplishment:

Name of a third highlighted program/initiative/accomplishment:
Langara College Solar Photovoltaic and Geo-Exchange Systems

A brief description of the third program/initiative/accomplishment:
Langara has two renewable energy systems on campus, both of which are worth highlighting to demonstrate our commitment to reducing energy use and GHG emissions.

1) Langara's Solar Photovoltaic system
Langara's first solar panels were installed following a student led advocacy and fundraising initiative by the Langara sustainability club co-founders Cameron Bower and Sterling Keful. This initiative helped raise funds to install the first set of solar panels on the rooftop of the Science and Technology Building in September 2018. This student-led initiative catalyzed the College's commitment to renewable energy production, and led the way for further solar panels to be installed throughout the campus. Today, Langara has 84 solar panels, providing an annual output of approximately 30,890 kWh.

2) Geo-Exchange System
Three LEED Gold buildings on campus (the Library building, C-Building, and the Langara Student Union (LSU) building) all leverage geo-exchange systems for their heating and cooling demand.

The Library and T-Building share a geothermal loop formed by 78 bore holes drilled to a depth of 250 feet, and C-Building and LSU share a 90-ton geo-exchange system formed by 80 bore holes drilled to a depth of 250 feet for their heating and cooling needs. This innovative and efficient thermal system provides approximately 30% of the thermal energy on campus, while only emitting 3% of the GHG emissions.

For more information on how "Langara students help make solar power at Langara possible", please see:

Which impact areas does the third program/initiative/accomplishment most closely relate to?:

Website URL where more information about the third program/initiative/accomplishment may be found:
STARS credit in which the third program/initiative/accomplishment is reported (if applicable):
OP-2, OP-5, and OP-6

A photograph or document associated with the third program/initiative/accomplishment:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.