Overall Rating Gold
Overall Score 65.49
Liaison Jun-Ming Chen
Submission Date Oct. 29, 2021

STARS v2.2

National Tsing Hua University
AC-2: Learning Outcomes

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 6.64 / 8.00 Fu-Ren Lin
Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Has the institution adopted one or more sustainability learning outcomes that apply to the entire student body or, at minimum, to the institution's predominant student body?:

Which of the following best describes the sustainability learning outcomes?:

A list of the institution level sustainability learning outcomes:
With social development and international trends, NTHU's courses have gradually focused on the United Nations sustainable development goals in recent years, focusing on core topics such as climate change, energy efficiency, environmental education, and social responsibility. In addition, NTHU also integrates the expertise and educational resources of the inter-departmental faculty, and establishes multiple sustainable credit programs to encourage students to study.

In 2020, NTHU offers 733 sustainability-related courses, accounting for 13.15% of all courses, distributed in 62.26% of the departments, including 3,066 graduates who understand the concept of sustainability, accounting for 71% of all graduates. This shows that NTHU's curriculum design has gradually integrated with the concept of sustainability.

NTHU began to conduct sustainable literacy assessments for bachelor and graduate students in June 2021. In the future, the department will continue to encourage departments to open sustainability-focused courses, give priority to the teacher community to discuss topics that are in line with "sustainable development" and give priority to subsidize small projects that are in line with "sustainable development" courses, so as to nurture students with a core competence in the field of sustainable development.

Through the learning of these sustainable courses, we expect to achieve the following learning outcomes:
(1) Holistic thinking: Analyze complex systems, recognize and understand the interrelationships of different elements.
(2) Value establishment: Think about the norms and values behind the behavior. In the case of conflicts of interest and trade-offs, students can reflect on their own values, give appropriate assessments on the principles of sustainable development, and be clear about the role they can play locally and globally.
(3) Logical judgment: the ability to understand and judge multiple possible future trends, evaluate the consequences of actions and respond to risks.
(4) Teamwork: learn from others, understand and respect diversified viewpoints, and solve problems in a cooperative and participatory way.
(5) Problem-solving ability: integrate the above-mentioned abilities, build up their own values and judgment ability with holistic thinking, and develop feasible, inclusive and fair solutions through teamwork to promote sustainable development.

The sustainability learning outcomes are available here:

Total number of graduates from degree programs:

Number of graduates from degree programs that require an understanding of the concept of sustainability:

A brief description of how the figure above was determined:
NTHU has 7 departments/institutes that offer sustainability courses, indicating that these departments believe that their students should understand the concept of sustainability. The total number of students in these departments is 346.

A list of degree programs that require an understanding of the concept of sustainability:
(1) Interdisciplinary Program of Education -Program of Education for Sustainable Development
(2) Interdisciplinary Program of Nuclear Science(First Specialty: Energy & Environment)
(3) Department of Biomedical Engineering & Environmental Sciences
(4) Department of Engineering and System Science- Low Carbon Green Energy System
(5) Department of Environmental and Cultural Resources
(6) Institute of Analytical and Environmental Sciences
(7) International Ph.D. Program in Environmental Science and Technology, University System of Taiwan

Documentation supporting the figure reported above (upload):
Do the figures reported above cover one, two, or three academic years?:

Percentage of students who graduate from programs that require an understanding of the concept of sustainability:

Website URL where information about the sustainability learning outcomes is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
The SDG Sustainable Graduating Students Learning Feedback Questionnaire was developed by the Center for Institutional Research in 2021. The concept of sustainable development is receiving increasing attention, and the Center for Institutional Research has drawn on the "Educational For Sustainable Development Goals-Learning Objectives" literature to design questionnaires that are consistent with the university's sustainability goals and learning outcomes. The graduate review survey, conducted by university students from June to October 2021, included not only the full number of graduates but also the degree to which students achieved sustainable learning outcomes during their college years.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.