Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 67.19
Liaison Tarah Rowse
Submission Date May 30, 2021

STARS v2.2

Skidmore College
AC-2: Learning Outcomes

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.10 / 8.00 Mark Youndt
Director of Sustainability for Academic Affairs
Management and Business
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Part 1. Institutional sustainability learning outcomes

Has the institution adopted one or more sustainability learning outcomes that apply to the entire student body or, at minimum, to the institution's predominant student body?:

Which of the following best describes the sustainability learning outcomes?:

A list of the institution level sustainability learning outcomes:
While our institutional-level "Goals for Student Learning and Development" don’t explicitly use the word sustainability, when viewed collectively, they prepare our students to evaluate deeply the concepts of sustainability and encourage our students to apply their learning to find solutions to sustainability-related problems. For example, our goals aimed at helping students understand social and cultural diversity in national and global contexts; gather, analyze, integrate, and apply varied forms of information; interact effectively and collaboratively with individuals across social identities; and apply learning to find solutions for social, civic, and scientific problems all address sustainability. As a small liberal arts college, our students are steeped in an interdisciplinary curriculum that prepares and positions them well for grappling with issues of sustainability. As additional evidence of our commitment to sustainability-related learning outcomes, one of our five major areas of emphasis during our recent Middle State Accreditation process was "Responsible Communities: Civic Engagement, Sustainability, and Values and Ethics." In addition, sustainability is articulated as a major goal in our 2015-2025 institutional strategic plan Creating Pathyways to Excellence, and we envision a Skidmore that truly embraces the principles of sustainability in all of its institutional decision making.

Our full list of "Goals for Student Learning and Development" can be found at https://www.skidmore.edu/assessment/goals-for-student-learning.php, our Middle States Accreditation materials can be found at https://www.skidmore.edu/assessment/accreditation15-16/index.php, and our strategic plan can be found at http://www.skidmore.edu/planning/.

Regarding sustainability-related learning outcomes at the division level, as a small liberal arts school we do not have functional divisions (that is, schools or colleges). Additional learning outcomes are developed at the department level, and these learning outcomes are addressed in detail below.

Part 2. Program-level sustainability learning outcomes

Total number of graduates from degree programs:

Number of graduates from degree programs that require an understanding of the concept of sustainability:

A brief description of how the figure above was determined:
314 is the number of our 2019 graduates who graduated from departments with a sustainability-focused learning outcome and/or have a required sustainability-focused course which all majors must complete as part of their graduation requirements.

A list of degree programs that require an understanding of the concept of sustainability:
Learning objectives for our Environmental Studies and Sciences Program include, for example:
- Understand ways that the social world and the natural world function as well as how they influence and are influenced by environmental issues.
- Understand the utility of an interdisciplinary perspective for studying interrelationships between humans and their environment and the issues that result from these interrelationships.
- Appreciate the complexity and importance of environmental issues across time and space. Specifically, students should be able to appreciate contemporary, historical and future environmental issues as well as the interrelationships of local, regional, national, international and global environmental issues.
- Understand various intended and unintended consequences of human responses to environmental issues.
- Appreciate environmental issues and personal responsibilities as a member of a community, which includes the Skidmore campus community and beyond.

One of the six contextual dimensions for our Management & Business Department is the Natural Environment and Sustainability. Natural environment and sustainability courses that fulfill this dimension provide an opportunity for students to learn about close connections between business organizations and the natural environment while highlighting issues of sustainability. Learning objectives that focus on this contextual dimension include, for example:
- To understand how organizational decisions impact various financial outcomes, social issues, and the natural environment (i.e., the Triple Bottom Line)
- To foster awareness, sensitivity and literacy regarding the major issues and challenges bearing upon the preservation of our natural environment, and human development, in the 21st century.
- To broadly appraise the impact of business enterprise upon the natural and socio-economic environments.
- To develop a basic analytical framework, and a common lexicon, for evaluating managerial actions in the context of our profound environmental and social challenges.
- To recognize and analyze effective organizational strategies that simultaneously promote firm competitive advantage and global sustainability.
- To develop clarity and an individual perspective on issues at the intersection of business and the natural environment that will inform both opinion and action as students engage in their personal and professional lives.
- To understand how stakeholder value may be created in an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable manner.
- To appreciate how various forms of value (financial and non-financial) may be created through green entrepreneurship and sustainable innovation.
- To develop the ability to analyze and develop a green innovation project that creates value, or an extended case study of a sustainable business enterprise that is creating value.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the roles played by multinational corporations in the societies of which they are a part, and their social and environmental, as well as economic impacts.

Our Anthropology Department has committed to consciously address the immediate issues of climate change and social justice in courses across their curriculum. More than simply relevance, they want to push themselves and our students to connect and apply the methods and anthropological discourse to the global problems we face in our world today. Learning objectives that focus on this effort include, for example:
- What is the place of humans in the natural world?
- What are the intersections between the local and the global?
- What is the relationship between the individual and society?
- How can anthropology engage current world issues?
- Think critically about cross-cultural issues, particularly by identifying and challenging assumptions embedded in Western and industrial ways of living. This process may include questioning personal values, ideas, and practices.
- Understand variation in material culture and social practices.
- Examine the relationship between human and the environment through a consideration of the ethics and practices of consumption.

Other Departments in which graduation requirements contain a sustainability-focused course: Gender Studies, Biology, Geosciences, Human Physiological Sciences, Economics, International Affairs, Political Science, and Sociology.

Documentation supporting the figure reported above (upload):

Do the figures reported above cover one, two, or three academic years?:

Percentage of students who graduate from programs that require an understanding of the concept of sustainability:

Optional Fields 

Website URL where information about the sustainability learning outcomes is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.