Overall Rating Platinum
Overall Score 87.91
Liaison Pierre Lemay
Submission Date Dec. 19, 2022

STARS v2.2

Université Laval
PA-3: Inclusive and Participatory Governance

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 3.00 Pierre Lemay
Development Advisor
Office of the Vice Rector, External and International Affairs and Health
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have formal participatory or shared governance bodies through which the following stakeholders can regularly participate in the governance of the institution?:
Yes or No
Students Yes
Academic staff Yes
Non-academic staff Yes

A brief description of the institution’s formal participatory or shared governance bodies:
The student community can take part in the various decisions of Université Laval through its student governments, which have reserved seats on various committees.

CADEUL (Confédération des associations d'étudiants et étudiantes de l'Université Laval) is the student government for undergraduate students. It represents 88 departmental and faculty associations. Its executive board is appointed by an election process among its members each year.

The AELIÉS (Association des étudiantes et des étudiants inscrits aux études supérieures) is the general campus association representing the entire graduate student community. Its executive board is appointed through an election process among its members each year.

These two student governments have several seats on the University Council, the Board of Directors, the Student Affairs Committee, the Academic Committee and various sustainable development tables. The University Council and the Board of Directors are the highest decision-making bodies.

Academic staff
Each faculty has a Faculty Assembly which has the power of representation on the various committees of Université Laval. Each Faculty Assembly can nominate one or more professors to sit on various committees, including the Board of Directors, the University Council, the Student Affairs Committee, the Committee on Studies and the Research Committee. This allows faculty from all fields to participate in the University's decision making.

The SCCCUL (Syndicat des chargées et chargés de cours de l'Université Laval) is the entity responsible for representing the interests of lecturers on the various decision-making committees of the Université. Each year, the different units of the University nominate a lecturer who will sit on the SCCCUL electoral college. The SCCCUL will then proceed to an election among the nominees. The elected persons will have the role of representing the interests of the lecturers and participate in the decision making process within the University Council, the Board of Directors, the Student Affairs Commission, the Studies Commission and the Research Commission.

Non academic staff
Representative seats are reserved for non-academic staff members on the University Council and the Board of Directors. In fact, every 2-3 years, the legal bodies of the three categories of University staff (department director, professional administrative employee, support administrative employee) elect one to two persons to represent them on these two committees.

The persons responsible for representing the Service Directors are elected by the Service Directors' Assembly.

Those responsible for representing the professional administrative employees are elected by the electoral college of professional employees, a sub-committee of APAPUL (Association du personnel administratif professionnel de l'Université Laval).

The persons responsible for representing the administrative support staff are elected by the electoral college of administrative support staff, a sub-committee of SEUL (Syndicat des employés et employées de l'Université Laval).

Total number of individuals on the institution’s highest governing body:

Number of students representing their peers as official members of the institution’s highest governing body:

Number of academic staff representing their peers as official members of the institution’s highest governing body:

Number of non-academic staff representing their peers as official members of the institution’s highest governing body:

Number of women serving as official members of the institution’s highest governing body:

Percentage of official members of the highest governing body that are women:

Website URL where information about the institution’s highest governing body may be found:
Does the institution host or support one or more formal bodies through which external stakeholders have a regular voice in institutional decisions that affect them?:

A brief description of the campus-community council or equivalent body that gives external stakeholders a regular voice in institutional decisions that affect them:
Université Laval is aware of the importance of involving the community in decisions on issues that concern them in some way. One of the most telling examples is the Montmorency Forest for which Université Laval is responsible. The tactical integrated forest management plan stipulates that members of the community can sit on the Scientific and Management Committee. More than 17 members external to the Université Laval currently sit on the committee.

In addition, general assemblies are held to engage the public in the reflection on the issues of management, research and teaching at the Montmorency Forest, by allowing interested people to submit suggestions or solutions to support the Montmorency Forest in its mission to develop, deploy and share knowledge for the management and conservation of boreal territories in the service of communities.

Number of people from underrepresented groups serving as official members of the institution’s highest governing body.:

Website URL where information about the institution’s governance structure is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.