Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 61.73
Liaison Sean MacInnes
Submission Date Feb. 28, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v1.2

University of North Carolina, Greensboro
ER-7: Sustainability-Related Courses

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.04 / 10.00 Aaron Allen
Asst. Professor
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

The number of sustainability-related courses offered :

The total number of courses offered :

Number of years covered by the data:

A list of sustainability-related courses offered:
AFS 201 Introduction to African American Studies AFS 210 Blacks in American Society ARH 213 Classical Architecture and Classicisms ART 281 Ceramics I ART 381 Ceramics II ART 481 Ceramics III ATY 212 Introduction to Anthropology ATY 213 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ATY 253 Introduction to Physical Anthropology ATY 253L Introduction to Physical Anthropology Laboratory ATY 312 Experimental Course – The Anthropology of Children ATY 330 Cultures of North American Indians ATY 510 Archaeology of South America ATY 583 Culture and Society BIO 110 Introduction to Biology BIO 111 Principles of Biology I BIO 111L Principles of Biology Laboratory BIO 112 Principles of Biology II BIO 280 Fundamentals of Microbiology BIO 301 Principles of Ecology BIO 302 Introductory Ecology Laboratory BIO 322 Plant Diversity BIO 341 Invertebrate Zoology BIO 354 Plant Systematics BIO 355 Cell Biology BIO 356 Cell Biology Laboratory BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology BIO 420 Marine Biology BIO 424 Plant Physiology and Biotechnology BIO 425 Biological Clocks BIO 438 Animal Behavior BIO 439 Animal Behavior with Laboratory BIO 477 Animal Physiology BIO 481 General Microbiology BIO 499 Undergraduate Research BIO 501 Advanced Topics in Animal Ecology BIO 505 Advanced Topics in Ecological Physiology BIO 510 Advanced Topics in Plant Ecology BIO 511 Advanced Topics in Plant Physiology BIO 520 Ecosystem Ecology BIO 522 Landscape Ecology BIO 523 Landscape Ecology Laboratory BIO 526 Conservation Biology BIO 527 Terrestrial Plant Ecology BIO 528 Microbial Ecology BIO 529 Aquatic Ecology BIO 530 Aquatic Ecology Laboratory BIO 536 Biology of Aging BIO 541 Entomology BIO 579 Environmental Physiology BIO 583 Virology BIO 584 Immunology BIO 586 Cell Cycle and Cancer BIO 587 Epigenetics BIO 589A Experimental Course – Ecology of Infectious Diseases BIO 591 Population Genetics and Molecular Evolution BIO 601 Seminar in Animal Ecology BIO 605 Seminar in Ecology BIO 649 Research Lab Rotations BIO 692 Genomics BUS 300 Ideas to Opportunities BUS 607 Entrepreneurship CCI 336 Language Change CED 605 Counseling Diverse Populations CED 662 Multicultural Considerations in School Counseling CHE 101 Introductory Chemistry CHE 252 Chemistry and the Human Environment CHE 351 Organic Chemistry I CNR 589 Experimental Course – Sports, Conflict, and Peace Global Issues with Local Solutions CNR 633 Restorative Justice CRS 221 Culture, Human Behavior, and Clothing CRS 321 Social Psychology of Dress CRS 530 Economics of the Textile and Apparel Complex CSC 312 Ethics in Computer Science CSD 627 Multicultural Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders CST 200 Communication and Community CST 210 Communicating Ethically CST 337 Intercultural Communication CST 460 Special Topics in Communication Research CST 506 Speaking Out for Community Change CST 562 Organizational Change CST 601 Engaging Communication Theories CST 605 Communicating for Social Change CST 635 Identity, Culture, and Communication DCE 205 Dance History I DCE 505 Contemporary Dance ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics ECO 202 Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 312 Economics of Technology ECO 346 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory ECO 365 The Economics of European Integration ECO 523 Topics in Public Policy ECO 731 Applied Policy Methods ELC 381 The Institution of Education ELC 615 Foundations of Curriculum ELC 616 Culturally Responsive Leadership ELC 659 Educational Finance ELC 694 Cultural and Political Dimensions of Schooling ELC 695 Comparative Education ELC 700 Critical Perspectives in Education, Leadership, and Culture ENG 103 Essentials of Professional and Business Writing ENG 316 Studies in Human Rights and Literature ENG 705 Cultural Studies FRE 599 Community-Based Service Learning in Francophone Studies GEO 103 Introduction to Earth Science GEO 106 Geosystems Science GEO 106L Geosystems Science Laboratory GEO 304 Introduction to Transportation Analysis GEO 305 Environmental Hazards Assessment GEO 306 World Economic Geography GEO 311 Weather and Climate GEO 311L Climatology Laboratory GEO 312 Geomorphology of North America GEO 315 The Geography of World Affairs GEO 330 Elements of Hydrology GEO 333 Geography of Europe GEO 338 Regions of Latin America GEO 340 Geography of East Asia GEO 344 Geography of the United States and Canada GEO 502 Urban Planning GEO 510 Biogeography GEO 511 Advanced Weather and Climate—Synoptic Climatology GEO 522 Seminar in Population and Urban Studies GEO 533 Regional Economic Development GEO 560 Seminar in Regional Geography GEO 570 Applied Physical Geography GEO 602 Regional Planning GEO 631 Transportation Planning GEO 633 Advanced Topics in European Geography GEO 635 Geography of Asia GEO 792 Seminar in Regional Economic Development GRO 633 Long Term Care Public Policy HDF 341 Social Emotional Competence in Inclusive Settings HDF 407 Issues Affecting Women and Families HDF 409 Family Diversity HDF 410 Families and Children in Global Perspective HDF 422 Interrelationships between Families and the Community HDF 468 Diversity in Inclusive Early Care and Education HDF 610 Child Development in Cultural Context HDF 626 Social and Economic Problems of the Family HDF 710 The Ecology of Human Development HEA 207 International Health HEA 307 Topics in International Health HEA 308 Introduction to Public Health HEA 315 Epidemiology HEA 333 Health of Women HEA 334 Community Health HEA 340 Community Observation and Assessment HEA 407 Experimental Course – Community Service Learning in International Health HEA 471 Immigrant and Refugee Health HEA 602 Epidemiology HEA 640 Global Health Issues HEA 648 Applied Program Planning HEA 671 Immigrant and Refugee Health HED 745 Higher Education – Equity, Inclusion, and Learning HHP 110 Bridging Differences through Community Relationships HIS 334 United States Environmental History HIS 543 Historic Preservation Principles and Practice HIS 548 Architectural Conservation HIS 624 History of American Landscapes and Architecture HSS 198 Honors Colloquium HTM 151 Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Management HTM 351 Hotel Operations HTM 423 Meeting and Event Planning and Management IAR 101 & 102 Environmental Design I, II IAR 110 Design Visualization I IAR 201 & 202 Basic Environmental Design III, IV IAR 211 & 212 Visual Communication I, II IAR 221 & 222 History and Theory of Design I, II IAR 301 Interior Architecture IAR 332 Materials, Methods, and Technologies of Interior Architecture I IAR 333 Materials, Methods, and Technologies of Interior Architecture II IAR 355 Housing and Community IAR 411 Interior Architecture IIIS IAR 431 Interior Lighting Design IAR 501 & 502 Advanced Interior Architecture I, II IAR 552 History and Theories of Material Culture IAR 565 Materials and Methodologies Seminar ISC 289 Experimental Course – Endings How Civilization, Earth, and Universe May Perish KIN 330 Sociocultural Analyses of Sport and Exercise KIN 630 Sport and Society – Social Inequalities KIN 632 Sport and Society – Global and Ethnic Relations KIN 635 Gender Issues in Kinesiology KIN 658 Multiculturalism and Physical Education Curriculum KIN 710 Sport and Feminisms MBA 703 Economic Environment of the Firm MGT 354 Managing Diversity in Organizations MLS 620 Human Nature and Society MST 320 Multimedia for Social Entrepreneurship and Civic Engagement MST 410 Experimental Course – Ecomusicology MST 423 Movies that Matter MTD 211 Topics in Pop Music MUE 468 Teaching Music in a Multicultural Population MUE 627 Issues in Multicultural Music Education MUP 151, 152 Performance Studies MUP 302, 303 Keyboard Harmony I, II MUS 343 Music Cultures of the World MUS 697 Directed Study in Music Composition, Ethnomusicology, Musicology and Theory NTR 103 Food Selection and Preparation NTR 213 Introductory Nutrition NTR 423 Community and International Nutrition NUR 310 Nursing Care of Individuals with Psychosocial Problems NUR 390 Culture and Health Care NUR 420 Nursing Care in the Community PHI 121 Contemporary Moral Problems PHI 331 Social and Political Philosophy PHI 338 Ethics and International Affairs PSC 290 The Politics of the Non-Western World PSC 312 Environmental Law and Policy PSC 314 Wildlife Law and Policy PSC 510 Topics in Public Policy PSC 620 Urban Development Policy PSC 630 Community and Economic Development Theory and Practice PSY 341 Abnormal Psychology PSY 370 Ethnicity, Development, and Psychopathology PSY 646 Social Bases of Personality PSY 745 Multicultural Issues in Clinical Psychology RCO 121 Ashby Residential College Seminar in Language and Culture RCO 149 Experimental Course – The Good Life Living Well and Doing Well in a Global RCO 252 Introductory Concepts in Biology RCO 255 Introductory Concepts in Earth Science RCO 306 Explorations in Music and Nature RCS 464 Multicultural and Multichannel Retailing REL 309 Spirituality and Culture in the West RPM 101 Leisure and American Lifestyles RPM 102 Creating a Meaningful Life RPM 202 Environmental Education RPM 203 Fundamentals of Outdoor Leadership RPM 314 Recreation Services with Underrepresented Groups RPM 401 Strategic Community Leadership RPM 627 Conceptual Foundations of Travel and Tourism SES 245 Introduction to the Deaf Community SES 455 Rural Education I – Deaf and Hard of Hearing SES 498 Interpreting in Social Service Settings SES 508 International Service-Learning in Special Education SES 605 Diversity and Inclusive Early Care and Education SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology SOC 201 Social Problems SOC 225 Race, Class, and Gender Social Inequalities SOC 261 Health and Society SOC 301 Introduction to Methods and Research SOC 317 Criminal Justice SOC 329 Sociological Perspectives on Gender SOC 341 Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology SOC 371 Immigration, Ethnicity, and Race in a Global Context SOC 374 Experimental Course SOC 526 Comparative Minority Relations SOC 552 Sociology of Science and Technology SOC 616 Advanced Research Methods SOC 643 Urban Sociology SWK 522 Comparative Study of Cross-cultural Social Work Practice SWK 621 Social Welfare Policy and Analysis I SWK 625 Human Behavior and Social Functioning II SWK 638 Social Work in Health and Mental Health I SWK 643 Social Work in Health and Mental Health II TED 402 Student Engagement in the Classroom TED 403 Teaching English Learners with Diverse Abilities TED 452 Educational Psychology for the Middle Grades TED 523 Legal, Historical, and Cultural Issues in ESL TED 561 Nature of Science, Technology, and Society TED 622 Differentiated Instruction TED 623 Environmental Education TED 747 Doctoral Seminar in Learning and Cognition WGS 589 Experimental Course Social Entrepreneurship and Feminist Praxis

The website URL where the sustainability course inventory that includes a list of sustainability-related courses is posted:
A copy of the sustainability course inventory:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Note that this course inventory data is from 2011.

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