Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 60.60
Liaison Jay Price
Submission Date March 2, 2018
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

University of Tennessee at Knoxville
AC-4: Graduate Program

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 3.00 Preston Jacobsen
Sustainability Manager
Facilities Services
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution offer at least one sustainability-focused major, degree program, or the equivalent for graduate students (I.e. an interdisciplinary academic program that concentrates on sustainability as an integrated concept)?:

Name of the sustainability-focused graduate-level degree program:
Natural Resources Doctoral Major (PhD)

A brief description of the graduate-level degree program:
The doctoral program with a major in natural resources emphasizes interdisciplinary research approaches toward the understanding and management of natural resources in a broad context. Areas of study include forest, wildlife, and fisheries biology; ecosystem function and structure; natural resource economics and policy; human dimensions of natural resource management; wildland recreation; natural resource organization administration and management; wood sciences; and multidisciplinary natural resources management. Optional, formal concentrations include Bio-based Products and Wood Science and Technology, Natural Resource Economics, and Wildlife Health.

The website URL for the graduate-level degree program:
Name of the sustainability-focused, graduate-level degree program (2nd program):
Environmental and Soil Sciences Major (MS)

A brief description of the graduate degree program (2nd program):
Students seeking the Master of Science degree with a major in environmental and soil sciences will generally concentrate their studies in one of the environmental and soil sciences focus areas. The focus areas include soil and water chemistry; nutrient and elemental cycling; land management and reclamation; penology, genesis, and classification; environmental climatology; soil biology and biochemistry; and soil physical processes. Both thesis and non-thesis options are available. For additional information, see the environmental and soil sciences master's concentration homepage http://bioengr.ag.utk.edu/gradStudies/ or contact the environmental and soil sciences program's graduate program director.

The website URL for the graduate degree program (2nd program):
Name of the sustainability-focused, graduate-level degree program (3rd program):
Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences Major (BESS) PhD

A brief description of the graduate degree program (3rd program):
A doctorate with a major in plant, soil, and environmental sciences and a concentration in environmental and soil sciences is offered under a multi-departmental doctoral program. Two departments participate – Plant Sciences and the soils faculty in Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science. Other concentrations within the plant, soil, and environmental sciences doctoral program include crop sciences, horticulture, plant breeding, plant molecular genetics, and weed science. Focus areas in the environmental and soil sciences concentration include soil and water chemistry; nutrient management; penology, genesis and classification; environmental climatology; soil biology and biochemistry; and soil physical processes. See the environmental and soil sciences doctoral concentration home page for additional information, http://bioengr.ag.utk.edu/gradStudies/grad_ESS.asp, or contact a faculty member in the area of interest.

The website URL for the graduate degree program (3rd program):
The name and website URLs of all other sustainability-focused graduate-level degree programs:
Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences Major (PS) PhD with five available concentrations http://catalog.utk.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=23&poid=9906

Does the institution offer one or more graduate-level sustainability-focused minors, concentrations or certificates?:

Name of the graduate-level sustainability-focused minor, concentration or certificate:
Environmental Policy Minor

A brief description of the graduate minor, concentration or certificate:
The program is designed to give master’s and doctoral level graduate students an opportunity to develop an interdisciplinary specialization in environmental policy. While administered through the Political Science Department, the program is coordinated by a committee of representatives from the following participating departments and programs – Agricultural Economics; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Economics; Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries; Geography; Management; Political Science; and Sociology.

The website URL for the graduate minor, concentration or certificate:
Name of the graduate-level sustainability-focused minor, concentration or certificate (2nd program):
Forestry Minor

A brief description of the graduate minor, concentration or certificate (2nd program):
The Forestry minor requires 9 credit hours from Forestry courses or approved Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries courses at the 500-level or above. The student's committee must include a member of the faculty from the department who will be responsible for designating courses required for the minor.

The website URL for the graduate minor, concentration or certificate (2nd program):
Name of the graduate-level sustainability-focused minor, concentration or certificate (3rd program):
Watershed Minor

A brief description of the graduate minor, concentration or certificate (3rd program):
Growing awareness of the complexity of water quantity and quality issues related to human activities leads to dealing with those issues on a watershed scale. This minor is for graduate students wishing to develop expanded skills in watershed science/engineering, planning and design, and culture and policy issues related to water. These skills are especially useful for careers in natural resource policy, water and land management, sustainable development and design for private industry, and stormwater management for government agencies. Successful completion of the watershed minor is documented on the transcript.

The website URL for the graduate minor, concentration or certificate (3rd program):
The name and website URLs of all other graduate-level, sustainability-focused minors, concentrations and certificates:
Wildlife and Fisheries Science Minor: http://catalog.utk.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=23&poid=9948

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.