Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 68.06
Liaison Brad Spanbauer
Submission Date June 18, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
IN-1: Innovation 1

Status Score Responsible Party
-- 0.00 / 1.00 Brian Kermath
Sustainability Director
Sustainability Office
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Title or keywords related to the innovative policy, practice, program, or outcome:
Green Office

A brief description of the innovative policy, practice, program, or outcome :
This is a program to monitor, track, and reward offices that maintain sustainable practices in aspects of energy, recycling, waste reduction, and green purchasing practices.

A brief description of any positive measurable outcomes associated with the innovation (if not reported above):
With this program we will be able to measure each office's consumption, and be able to lower through education, and alternatives.

A letter of affirmation from an individual with relevant expertise:

Which of the following STARS subcategories does the innovation most closely relate to? (Select all that apply up to a maximum of 5):
Yes or No
Curriculum No
Research No
Campus Engagement Yes
Public Engagement No
Air & Climate No
Buildings Yes
Dining Services No
Energy Yes
Grounds No
Purchasing Yes
Transportation Yes
Waste Yes
Water Yes
Coordination, Planning & Governance Yes
Diversity & Affordability Yes
Health, Wellbeing & Work Yes
Investment No

Other topic(s) that the innovation relates to that are not listed above:

The website URL where information about the innovation is available :

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
2013 Application Form Office Information: Name of Office/Department: _______________________________________________ Building(s): _____________________________________________________________ Total Number of Office Members: ________ Who is included in your count? □ Full time staff/faculty □ Part-time staff/faculty □ Student employees Lead Person Contact Information: Name: __________________________________ Title: ___________________________ Phone Number: ______________________ Email Address: _______________________ Campus Mail Address: ______________________________________________________ Today’s Date: _____________ Directions: Please fill out the check list on pages 3-6, select the corresponding level from below and submit as a scanned document via email (sustainability@uwosh.edu) or hard copy via Campus Mail (to Brian Kermath, Sustainability Office/CSC). A follow up meeting of the department members and Sustainability Office staff is recommended to answer questions and collect signatures on page 2. Please CHECK boxes that your department is currently implementing. Please CIRCLE boxes that are being worked on or could be achieved through small improvements. Use this tool to focus on where to make improvements in the coming semester to achieve a higher Green Office level. Certification Level (only applies to checked boxes) is based on # of items (from 68-item checklist) and distribution under categories: Level One: 15 of the items with at least one from each category. Level Two: 25 of the items with at least two from each category Level Three: 35 of the items with at least three from each category Level Four: 45 of the items with at least four from each category Level of Green Office Certification achieved: □ Level One □ Level Two □ Level Three □ Level Four As the lead contact person for the office, I certify that the information submitted is true to the best of my knowledge. Initials: ______ To receive certification for the Green Office Program, 75% of your office members must complete the tasks or participate in the program. Please have those who are participating sign their names in the allotted space below: Signature________________ Signature________________ Signature________________ Printed Name: Printed Name: Printed Name: Signature________________ Signature________________ Signature________________ Printed Name: Printed Name: Printed Name: Signature________________ Signature________________ Signature________________ Printed Name: Printed Name: Printed Name: Signature________________ Signature________________ Signature________________ Printed Name: Printed Name: Printed Name: Additional Signatures, Comments, or Questions: Energy: A1. We shut off our computer monitors and/or turn on the energy saving mode (sleep/hibernate) when not in use and turn them off at night. If these functions are automated by campus software upgrades, then shutdown computers at the end of the work day. A2. Where applicable set printers and copiers to go into sleep mode after 5 minutes of inactivity. A3. Lights in all rooms, including common areas such as break rooms and kitchens, are shut off when not in use. A4. We have a protocol and staff responsible to turn off equipment in common spaces at the end of each day. A5. In more than 75% of our desk lamps, we use fluorescent (aka CFL) bulbs. A6. The majority of office members (75%) do not have desk lamps. A7. We have reviewed our use of printers, copiers and other computer peripherals, and have a plan for consolidating to common networked equipment. A8. We have networked printers available to over 75% of office members. A9. For employees with access to network printing, over 75% do not have desktop printers. A10. If we have control over thermostat settings in our office, someone has contacted Facilities/Operations to check that we are setting temperatures and fan speeds at appropriate levels during both the heating and cooling season (i.e. we are not overheating or over-cooling our office). A11. If operable windows are present, they are closed during cold and hot weather. A12. We have had an energy audit for electricity use and shared it with our staff. A13. We purchase Renewable Energy Credits so that our electricity purchase is 100% renewable power. Recycling and Re-use: B1. We have recycling bins available for use in all common areas such as break rooms, meeting rooms, department offices, copy rooms, mailrooms, and kitchens. B2. All recycling bins are next to trash bins, and all trash bins are next to recycling bins (no “orphan” bins). B3. Recycling bins are clearly marked with the recycling arrows symbol, labels or signs, and the color blue to align with common practice on campus. B4. We have spent time reviewing recycling practices to ensure that office members are aware of recycling rules and have had questions answered. B5. We provide extra recycling and trash bins at large meetings and office sponsored events. B6.Each workspace, cube or office, has a desk-side paper recycling bin and trash bin. B7. We have common collection bins for cans/bottles and for cardboard. B8. We have sent furniture, equipment, and other materials (e.g., metal, wood, chemicals) or other large office items to the university surplus storage in the Campus Services Center for reuse, salvaging, recycling, or disposal. B9. We collect scrap paper for office members to re-use. B10. We have a common area with small bins to collect the following for recycling: ink cartridges small electronics and cables alkaline batteries rechargeable batteries and cell phones (using a “Call to Recycle” box) B11. We have procedures and have educated staff on the recycling of electronics (e-waste), especially computer equipment that may contain sensitive data. B12. We have a process for offering surplus office supplies to other offices (e.g. using the email Announcements listserv). B13. We periodically remind staff to return unused or accumulated office supplies for re-use. Waste Reduction: C1. We conserve paper by: printing and copying on both sides of paper when possible set double-sided printing as the default for printers and copiers. Reduce margins on documents and format to avoid excess pages Printing documents “shrink-to-fit” or multi-page-per page Adding a message to our email signature (e.g. “By not printing this page you have saved paper, ink and trees”) C2. We distribute office memos, newsletters and other correspondence electronically, except where paper is needed (e.g. a reply form). C3. We minimize our use of brochures and paper handouts by: using email, websites and social media for information dissemination using business-card size handouts listing a website C4. We periodically review office paperwork (e.g. forms and records) to identify ways to reduce paper to increase use of electronic media. C5. We have reusable tote bags available for office members to use when delivering or picking up supplies, refreshments, etc. C6. We contact distributors of news media and catalogs to reduce “junk mail” to the office. C7. Subscriptions to printed magazines or periodicals are periodically reviewed for possible cancellation or conversion to electronic subscriptions. C8. Office members take notes electronically or use scrap paper. Purchasing: D1. We have a green purchasing policy that office members can follow. D2. We use white, 100% recycled paper from Central Stores rather than colored paper with lower recycled content. D3. If we use colored paper, we purchase 100% recycled colored paper. D4. If we supply paper products in kitchens or break rooms, we purchase products that contain at least 30% post-consumer recycled material. D5. Office supplies are purchased in bulk with minimal packaging. D6. We buy re-fillable writing tools and stock refill supplies (pens with replaceable ink cartridges and mechanical pencils). D7. When purchasing new equipment, we consider energy efficiency and look for Energy Star-rated appliances. D8. We purchase green cleaning products for office use. Kitchens/Break Rooms/Meeting Areas (If applicable): E1. We provide reusable mugs, glasses, dishware, and utensils. E2. We drink tap water or have a water purification system; we avoid bottled water and bottled water service. E3. Coffee or tea provided for office members and visitors is Fair Trade certified. E4. Food provided for office meetings or events is from sustainable sources when possible: locally grown, organic, humanely-raised, or Fair Trade. E5. We have a communal refrigerator in a common space, and only have personal refrigerators when there is justification (e.g. medical need). E6. We maintain our refrigerator to improve energy efficiency with using one or more of the following: Periodic cleaning of coils, defrosting, and inspection of seals Unplugging during extended breaks (good excuse for a cleanout) Lowering settings (raising temperatures) Taking up excess space with plastic bottles ¾ full of tap water E7. We have communal small appliances (e.g., coffee machine, microwave) in a common space for office members to use, and do not have them in our offices. E8. We collect organic matter (food, paper) for composting. E9. If a conference room has electronic devices such as computers or projectors, we turn them off when not in use, and have staff check them at the end of the day. Transportation: F1. Office members are aware of alternative transportation options to campus, including: support for bicycle riders (parking, showers; tax incentives) is. Office members are aware of the rules for riding and parking bicycles, scooters, and motorcycles on campus support for carpooling at UW-Oshkosh (parking permits, Zimride) Use of staff- ID as a free pass on the Oshkosh Transit System and Titan Transit, and the hours of operation for these services. F2. Office members have registered for Zimride to share automobile trips. F3. Every year, we designate 10 office days to promote walking or riding your bike to work. Half of the signees participated in these days. F4. We have a “Guaranteed-Ride” network to support carpooling, transit, walking and biking; the network provides a ride or shares private vehicles to those who fall ill, have an emergency, or are left stranded by carpool. F5. We organize carpooling to off-campus meetings and use buses for large group excursions (e.g. field trips). F6. We use fleet vehicles for efficient business travel and use of E-85 (85% ethanol) fuel. F7. We purchase carbon offsets for office business travel. F8. We provide telecommuting options for over 75% of our staff. F9. We train our staff in telecommunications to reduce travel for meetings, including teleconferencing, videoconferencing, VOIP, and webinar hosting. Participation: G1. Green Office program is on the agenda for at least one staff meeting per year to keep office members updated. G2. We have contacted the Sustainability Office with questions generated by the Green Office program or to support our staff meetings. G3. We have created and designated an area (physical or online) for office members to post suggestions, personal tips, and questions about the group’s Green Office goals. G4. We have a policy and materials to inform new office members of their Green Office goals. G5. When we interact with other offices in activities that fit our Green Office program, we have coordinated with their Green Office Goals or educated them about the program. G6. We communicate our Green Office status, e.g. on our website, front door, outreach materials, etc. G7. We have designated a Green Office leader, to remind the office of our goals and maintain the designated communication area (physical or online). Innovation Credit (Optional): Describe up to two actions that you think makes your office more sustainable that are not covered above. H1. Innovation 1: H2. Innovation 2: Improvement Areas (Optional): What areas can your department easily improve, to achieve a better Greener Office? How can the Sustainability Department help you to achieve a level four Green Office?

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.