Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 49.65
Liaison Jennifer Bodine
Submission Date Feb. 19, 2019
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Weber State University
EN-1: Student Educators Program

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 0.15 / 4.00 Jennifer Bodine
Sustainability Specialist
Facilities Management
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Number of students enrolled for credit (headcount):

Total number of students enrolled for credit that are served (i.e. directly targeted) by a student peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education program (avoid double-counting to the extent feasible):

Percentage of students served by a peer-to-peer educator program:

Name of the student educators program:
Environmental Ambassadors

Number of students served (i.e. directly targeted) by the program (headcount):

A brief description of the program, including examples of peer-to-peer outreach activities:
The Environmental Ambassadors is a student sustainability and educational outreach program. The program seeks to shift WSU culture toward pro-sustainability behaviors through education, outreach, and activities. Members are dedicated to promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship at WSU. The efforts of the Environmental Ambassadors program reach beyond campus borders to create a healthy and sustainable community for all. Activities typically include the following: Green Move In/Move Out, Free Swap, Tree Plantings, hosting the Intermountain Sustainability Summit, the Utah Clear the Air Challenge, campus waste audits, etc.

A brief description of how the student educators are selected:
The Environmental Ambassadors are currently led by two paid student program coordinators that are hired through a competitive process. The Ambassadors are recruited by the program coordinators and serve as volunteers.

A brief description of the formal training that the student educators receive to prepare them to conduct peer outreach:
Training sessions are provided once per month and focus on the following topics: community-based social marketing, time management, leadership, event planning, civic engagement, self care, event planning, running effective outreach campaigns, and diversity and inclusion. The Environmental Ambassadors are also led by two paid student program coordinators who are there to lead and educate the group as they work on various projects and programs. Weekly meetings are used as an opportunity to not only coordinate work but to provide a forum to reflect and learn.

A brief description of the financial and/or administrative support the institution provides to the program (e.g. annual budget and/or faculty/staff coordination):
The Environmental Ambassadors Program is primarily financed by, and housed within, the Energy & Sustainability Office which is located in the Facilities Management Department. Two paid student interns are responsible for running and leading the program. The student interns are managed by the campus Sustainability Manager. The Ambassadors currently have $9,800 each year to implement campus sustainability projects (e.g. install bike racks or water bottle refill stations). The Ambassadors also receive about $3,000 annually from the Energy & Sustainability Office to run outreach events and programs.

Name of the student educators program (2nd program):

Number of students served (i.e. directly targeted) by the program (2nd program):

A brief description of the program, including examples of peer-to-peer outreach activities (2nd program):

A brief description of how the student educators are selected (2nd program):

A brief description of the formal training that the student educators receive to prepare them to conduct peer outreach (2nd program):

A brief description of the financial and/or administrative support the institution provides to the program (e.g. annual budget and/or faculty/staff coordination) (2nd program):

Name of the student educators program (3rd program):

Number of students served (i.e. directly targeted) by the program (3rd program):

A brief description of the program, including examples of peer-to-peer outreach activities (3rd program):

A brief description of how the student educators are selected (3rd program):

A brief description of the formal training that the student educators receive to prepare them to conduct peer outreach (3rd program):

A brief description of the financial and/or administrative support the institution provides to the program (e.g. annual budget and/or faculty/staff coordination) (3rd program):

A brief description of all other student peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education programs, including the number of students served and how student educators are selected, trained, and supported by the institution:

Total number of hours student educators are engaged in peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education activities annually (all programs):

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.